This week we signed the Room 5 treaty. We had to read the treaty then we needed to write our names at the bottom. Mrs Drummond got table by table to sign the treaty. Two of the promises were:-
we will take care of our classroom and keep it tidy
we will show the Good Shepherd values.
This year for reading there's a website for Reading it’s called epic.

You can read many books and it can read to you and you can watch videos it recommends books for you, but you don’t need to read them. But you can choose your book to read from the website if you want.
My favourite activity was sailing because you get to steer the boat and hold the sail ropes.
On the last day at camp we went on to the rocks and I picked up crabs. Crabs like this.
It was that big!
The talent show was really fun. Me and Sanjay did failing Knuckle bones.
We played spot light in the park and I saw a possum hiding in a tree. Me and my friends decided not to hide by the possum.

This week in room 5 we did a puzzle piece. where we need to write our name and colour it. We had to decorate it and draw pictures about us. We stuck all of the class’s pieces on the window it was really fun.